Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Informative Speech: Blood Donation

Memandangkan haritu saya ada tolong buat assignment husband saya untuk cari tajuk speaking mengenai Informative Speech, so alang-alang saya bagi contoh bagi sesiapa yang buntu nak buat tajuk apa. Sebab dulu masa saya belajar pon ada jugak kena buat speech macam ni, tajuk tak silap pasal Independent Music. Memang mengarut habis lah. hahaha.

Time sekarang tolong husbang buat macam senang pulak nak google pasal benda alah ni. Dulu kemain susah nak cari tajuk. Mekasih kepada encik Google sebab banyak bantu. Semua ni copy paste je. Lupa nak ambil source dari mana. Belasah je lah!

  • Have you ever donated blood? Blood donation is the voluntary act of allowing one's blood to be drawn out of the body.
  • Donating blood is safe and simple. It is not as painful as it is made out to be. In fact, you can make an appreciable difference in someone else’s life.
  • It does not put you at risk of disease as all needles are sterile, used only once and discarded.
  • The average amount of blood in one person is five litres or 10.5 pints. The usual blood collection - a "unit" - is about half a litre, or one pint.
  • Your body soon replaces all the blood you donate.
  • It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the blood donation process.
  • Any healthy adult between 18 years and 60 years of age and weight 45kg and above can donate blood.

Reason to Donate
  1. Some of us have the worst fears when we think about blood donations.
  2. Well, beyond this fear are a lot of reasons to donate blood, which you should know so that you can get over this fear and get down to doing your bit for those who need blood every day, every two seconds.
  3. First, blood is easily perishable, that is it cannot last more than 42 days. So you can see that regular supplies of blood are always required by blood banks.
  4. Second, the different components of your blood can save three or four different people at a time, who suffer from conditions such as cancer, anemia, and leukemia. Don't you think that's a very generous contribution by you?
  5. Finally, you will save innumerable lives by giving your blood to those who need it. You will feel great about yourself and the fact that you could give something back to your community.

Tips to Donate

If you decided to donate your blood, there are some tips that need to be considered before donation.
  1. First of all, you need to eat a healthy meal before your donation. Avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers, fries or ice cream before donating.
  2. Drink an extra 500ml of water or non-alcoholic fluids before the donation.
  3. Please avoid smoking on the day before donating.
  4. You will not be eligible to donate blood if you have consumed alcohol 48 hours before donation.
  5. Make sure you have sleep at least 5 hours the night before donating.
There are also some tips need to be considered after donation.
  1. Please accept the snacks offered to you after the donation, it is very important to have them. You are recommended to have a good meal later.
  2. Enjoy light refreshments and rest for at least for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Do not leave the donation site without the permission of a staff member.
  4. If you feel dizzy or faint either lie down or sit down with your head between your knees until you feel better.
  5. Do not smoke for at least one hour.
  6. Drink more than usual amount of fluids.
  7. Avoid alcohol intake for the next 24 hours.
  8. Make your next meal a really hearty one.
  9. Avoid lifting heavy weights or exercise for 24 hours.
Benefits to Donate Blood

Do you know that donating blood has many benefits? Let me tell you more about the benefits of donating blood.
  1. The first and foremost advantage of donating blood is, no doubt, the exhilarating feeling of having saved someone's life. But keeping the moral side of it aside for a moment, blood donation has many medical advantages for the donor as well.
  2. Second, blood donation is an excellent way to reduce the amount of iron accumulated in our body. Donating blood on a regular basis helps regulate the level of iron in the donor's body and can reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  3. Finally, blood donation also sheds extra calories and reduces blood cholesterol level. After donating blood, the number of blood cells in our body decreases. This stimulates the bone marrow to produce new, fresh red blood cells in order to replenish the loss.
  • Blood donation is one of the noble contributions that can be done to the society in the interest of those who may require the need of it during critical times.
  • And for the reasons I've mentioned above, the life-saving procedure of blood donation works wonders for both, the recipient as well as the donor.
  • So if you think you are an eligible blood donor, then do not mind taking out sometime this weekend, and enjoy the feeling of having saved lives.

P/S: Terima kasih sumber-sumber yang berkaitan ye! Sorry takda link.
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