Tuesday, December 11, 2007

40 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew

1. Don’t tell us when you think other girls are hot.

2. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials before we get bored.

3. Mark anniversaries on the calendar.

4. We think about you all the time.

5. This is how we see it: Don’t call = Don’t care.

6. Which also means that if we don’t call, take a hint.

7. We like you to be a little jealous. But overly possessive is not necessary.

8. We’re allowed to be late. You’re not.

9. Eye contact is the key.

10. Don’t take longer to get ready than we do.

11. Laugh at our jokes.

12. 3 words: honesty, honesty, honesty!

13. Girls can be groupies. Guy groupies are stalkers.

14. Do not start with us. You will not win.

15. Would you like it if a guy treated your sister that way? Didn’t think so.

16 If you ask nicely, we`ll answer the same way.

17. We will never have enough clothes or shoes.

18 Open the door for us no matter where we are.

19. We love surprises.

20. Pay attention to the little things we do, because they mean the most.

21. Always brush your teeth before you see us. A fresh mouth and white teeth are a necessity.

22. Clean your room before we come over.

23. Even though you’re sometimes insensitive and hurt us, we still love you with everything we are.

24. Don’t act hard around your friends

25. Sometimes “NO” really means “NO!”.

26. “Wife beaters” are not an adequate form of fashion.

27. Sensitive guys are great.. but crying more than we do in a movie just isn’t right.

28. Don’t let ex-girlfriends cause drama, relationships are stressful enough.

29. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.

30. “Fat chicks” have feelings, too.

31. Silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling, & nasty looks add up to = YOU DiD SOMETHiNG WRONG.

32. The excuse “I can’t dance” is unacceptable. We’ll appreciate the simple fact that you’re trying.

33. Just because a girl doesn’t pick up on the first ring, doesn’t mean she’s not waiting by the phone.

34. You don’t have to spend a lot; if it means a lot.

35. Don’t say you love me if you don’t mean it.

36. Don’t lie to us. We will catch you.

37. Don’t you ever answer our question with only ONE word! We hate it!

38. Just BE by our side when shopping means you are not allowed to flirt while we shopping…

39. Please give us some comment while shopping.. it’s compulsory.

40. When the girls get together, we talk about everything. Meaning, my best friends know everything about you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

:: S O M E T H I N G ::

Sesuatu yg anda x perasan @ terfikir...

1. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 5 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.

2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.

3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.

4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.

5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.

6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.

7. Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.

8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.

9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.

10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah sebaliknya.

11. Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirlah semula; mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.

12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat laun anda akan memperolehinya.

13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci & cela.

14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda, anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.

15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik. Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik, sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk menyayanginya, tapi sepanjang hidup untuk melupakannya.
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