-Asleep by 2:30 am is an early night. (impossible you will sleep at 10pm)
-Showers become less important.
-Sleep becomes more important. (ada peluang mesti nak tido)
-Two meals a day are standard. One for some!
-10 minutes is more than enough time to get ready for your first class.
-If the lecture hall is big enough, get someone else's notes. You begin to nap again. Or you just ask your friend to sign your attendance slip. (normal la ni ^_^)
-You never realized so many people are smarter than you and you will compete each other.
-You never realized so many people are dumber than you. (tak kan nak compete gak?)
-Professors or lecturers are like celebrities: you see them, but they never see you.
-College girls are the same as high school girls, just with more freedom and no curfew.
-You never thought you would share so much about yourself with people you have known for such a short time.
-Phone calls almost never happen and when they do, you just don't get the messages. (tak pun time emergency)
-ATMs are the devil's advocate. (asyik pokai je)
-People still cheat, it's just more technologically advanced.
-You get really good with excuses for skipping class. (beli je MC kat klinik)
-Ordering food at 1am is a common occurrence. (McD la selalu nya)
-You meet the type of people you only thought existed in the movies. (macam2 ada)
-You learn to sleep with light, noise, extreme temps, and roommates snoring. (dah tak pedulik suma tu)
-You don't have to cover your textbooks anymore.
-You get good at rationalizing on whether to do homework or not. (usually not)
-Classes: the later the better. (half an hour late or just an hour late)
-It's amazing how late you can stay up doing absolutely nothing, yet falling asleep in class or in the library takes an average of two seconds. (im the one who always do this)
-Your life will never be the same again. (absolutely different)
Life kat kolej ngan life as University student lain tau. Currently im stuying at kolej and i had an experience on studying at UITM Shah Alam (just amik short kos je time tu). both ade advantages and disadvantages masing2.
kat kolej ada rules sendiri tau. jangan ingat kolej ni bebas. some kolej je kot cam bebas bab pemakaian. and my kolej pemakaian sangat dijaga (tapi still ada gak suka hati dia je nak pakai apa). tak leh pakai jeans okay! selipar juga tidak dibenarkan sama sekali (tapi still im using it jugak! malas la nak pakai kasut or heels ni). kalau ada org atasan jaga (time diorg rajin nak compound students) memang ramai je kena tahan (too bad la).
kalau kat UITM memang best. pakai la apa pon. tapi rasa still ada rules jugak kot kat sana. tapi jeans dibenarkan (sgt jeles okay!).
kat kolej lak time claz memang best. claz takde la macam lecture hall besar sangat. student pon takde la ramai mana pun untuk 1 claz. paling ramai pun sebab ada claz combined. lecturer leh concentrate kat student. and student pun leh mintak untuk buat extra claz. nak jumpa lecturer takde la susah mana sgt kot (time lunch je susah). student pun leh request nak buat consultation ngan lecturer. yela belajar kat kolej yuran mahal. kita bayar untuk dapat ilmu. rugi kalau tak gunakan sepenuhnya.
kat UITM lain sikit. claz ramai gak student. nak jumpa lecturer sangat2 la susah. memang tak kan ada kat lecturer room la. but still lecturer leh concentrate kat student. bila kat lecture hall cam susah kot. sebab ramai giler student.
time exam lak kat kolej rules ketat sangat. jangan harap lecturer nak bagi tiru. tapi student pandai2 la nk tiru. pandai2 la nak hidup. kalau kena tangkap time tiru masa final alamat kena buang kolej la. time test biasa pon buat kat dewan. memang takde chance la nak copy2 ni. copy orang sebelah je ar. masuk dewan bwk alat tulis je dibenarkan. time quiz ok lagi la nak banding masa test. sebab quiz wat kat claz je. so pandai2 la bwk note or tiru kawan. tak pun tanya je claz lain yang dah wat quiz sama.
kat UITM sama je la rules pun ketat. tapi time test sumtimes wat kat claz je. and student leh tiru je senang2 (tak tahu la student UITM sendiri camna). tapi dorg pon cam ada tiru gak. masa saya belajar sana time test selamba je bukak note kat dalam meja. (ntah la tak tau la camna)
yang lain2 malas nak fikir. =p
study mana-mana pun sama je. cuma diri sendiri tu antara nak tak nak belajar je.
p/s: kesimpulan nya taknak hutang banyak study la kat IPTA, study kat IPTS muda2 hutang dah beribu-ribu..LOL!
hello azri,
saya tag kamu di blog saya. do visit ya ;)
Sleep becomes more important. (ada peluang mesti nak tido) <--- cam ye je~ ehe
kalu balik umah.. alasan bgn lambat sb nk qada tdo wat assigment dulu~ uhu
aida: ok. hutang dulu ya~ =p
goasop: ahaha~ taw xpe. lagi2 time cuti ni. qada tdo je la. hee~ ^_^
haha..setuju2. study mane2 pon same jek. problem camni common la kot. ngee~
tag for u dear..~
illy tag kamo..
jd jgn segan silu jawab ya..
1) fakta yang sangat betul
2) too bad semuanya tinggal memori sahaja :|
3) p/s: IPTS lagi rock
4) sekian, he he ;)
ape kaitan gambar atas tu?
nard: tu la..sama je still dpt ilmu..
goasop n illy: nnti d buat tag nye yea..hihi~
rui: hehe~ yup2..ITPS rock! wawa~
cekgu: tiada kaitan yg hidup ataupon yg telah tiada..harap maklum!
owh p/s kamo tuh..
i agree sgt2..
muda2 da utg beriban2..
ssh nak kawen mcm nie
haha~ taw xpe..laki pon takot nk kawen ngn kite yg bnyk utang..
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